Contemporary Labyrinths

Contemporary Labyrinths
The current revival of interest in labyrinths has resulted in a number of designers and builders consciously stretching the boundaries of what constitutes a labyrinth, or deliberately seeking new forms for new purposes. Ranging from the minimalist, with just a few turns and paths to capture the essence of the labyrinth, to complex symbolic and thematic designs that still retain a single pathway leading sometimes to a centre, but other times around the full course of the design. Also included here are the Reflection and Relationship labyrinths that have become popular in recent years, which despite having more than one pathway are still labyrinths by intent. Undoubtedly, some of these modern varieties may go on to be judged as important separate developments when studied in the future, but for now this proliferation of forms can best be compared and contrasted within the “Contemporary” heading.

Alex Champion's "Viking Age Horse Trappings Maze", with its complex swirling design, none the less, has basically one continuous pathway and typifies well the nature of contemporary labyrinths. (© Earth Mazes)